/www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> Carolinas Communication Association’s annual conference in Wilmington, NC!

Carolinas Communication Association’s annual conference in Wilmington, NC!

Dr Jason Munsell and two students, Cortnee Love, and Jennifer McGriff, are attending the CCA annual conference this year. The theme is: "The Communities in Which We Exist: The Role of Communication in Developing and Fostering Community"

Friday, April 30, 2010

This blog has moved

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Sunday, September 27, 2009

I shouldn't admit it!

This is likely the last blog as I reflect on the process. The students did an incredible job. Our Comm program has an amazing reputation for undergraduate scholarship regionally (and I hope, soon, nationally). But, I leave the reader with this... As we were driving home on I-95, I needed to use the bathroom. And so... btw, you must be a frequent traveler on I-95 to sort of get this joke...

The Long Way Home!

We are home at last. The conference was a blast. We had a bit of spare time this morning, so we went to the beach! Back to class tomorrow!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The last night

So Tonight is our last night in Wilmington, we had a blast and ate some really great food despite being rained in.....we didn't win the undergraduate award but we are really proud of being able to come to the conference and gain the experience all in all an AWESOME time!


Extending the Fun!

The conference is over. Cortnee' and Jennifer did Columbia College very, very proud! The weather, though, is terrible, we're all tired, so we're going to stay in Wilmington another night and drive back early tomorrow morning!

UNC-W Faculty Band

The band (all UNC-W Comm Department faculty) gave us some great selections including: "Sittin on the Dock of the Bay", "Heard It On the Grapevine", "Proud Mary", and many more!

Surf's Up!

Last night we had a blast at the Surf's Up! reception. Cortnee and I met some great students from UNC-Wilmington, College of Charleston and Coastal Carolina. There was great food (including fondu!) and we were entertained by an awesome band (made up of UNC-W faculty from the Comm Department!)